Eloise Stark

My Articles
Conde Nast Traveler
Cycling Slovenia’s green wellness route
The European villages transforming into living advent calendars
Why so many digital nomads are neurodivergent
New York Times
Floods Leave Paris Contemplating a Wetter Future
Rescuing Migrants Fleeing Through the Frozen Alps
Metro UK
The Sexiest and Most Provocative Shows You Can See in Paris
The Winner of Best Baguette in Paris Award Explains How to Find the Most Amazing Bread
The Femedic
We need to start treating anorexia as a chronic disease
Why people ghost their therapists
In France, they’re making DIY ‘heated briefs’ as contraception
Atlas Obscura
Huck Magazine
Adventure Uncovered
Intrepid Times
The Diplomat
GEN Magazine
An Injustice!
En Inde, les partis politiques ignorent le changement climatique
Déchets nucléaires : le gouvernement britannique cherche désespérément une solution
Gaz de schiste et nucléaire règnent sur la politique énergétique anglaise
En sauvant leurs pubs, les Anglais font revivre leurs villages
Noël sans foie gras, pourquoi pas ?
Routes, centres commerciaux, décharges... la carte des 104 projets contestés
Paris, Montreuil, Nemours, trois mobilisations contre la réforme des ZEP
Procès Xynthia : quatre ans de prison ferme pour l’ancien maire
Education prioritaire: la nouvelle carte ne fait pas que des heureux
«Notaires de province» et «huissiers de campagne» contre la loi Macron
Réforme territoriale: dans quel état est la loi ?
Modelling Agencies Are Recruiting from Refugee Camps
This New Test Can Detect if Someone Took Abortion Pills
Men Are Highly Emotional, What Most of Them Lack is Emotional Intelligence
In Brazil, Homophobic Slurs are Now Punishable by Prison
Canada Issues Travel Warning for LGBTQ+ People Visiting US
5 Painful Reminders of How ’00s Media Taught Us to Hate Our Bodies
He Killed His Ex-Wife and Live-Streamed it on Instagram
Tiny Everyday Acts of Feminist Rebellion
TikTokers are Making Fun of Child Labor
Why are Europeans burning Qurans?
So Many Women Are Having Disappointing Sex
TERFs Made Their Own “Feminist Wiki”